bring encouragement, inspiration, and hope into your life and practice.


I’m Dr. Errin Weisman

and I am passionate about helping those who are experiencing burnout to transform their lives and practice into a joy-filled, sustainable career that they absolutely freakin’ love!

This podcast consists of an authentic conversation between Dr. Weisman and her female colleague guests. The one prep work for the guest…pick one word to frame their conversation around. Other series episodes include my husband, Craig, in a series called “Married to an Alpha Female” or some of my favorite people in a series called “Favorites with Favorites.”

No more feeling alone in medicine because Doctor Me First Podcast is a community of truth speakers, life savers and fierce females who want to support one another.

“Errin made me feel so comfortable on her podcast, even when participating in a podcast is not within my comfort zone. She has a way about her, that loosens you up, and makes you feel at home. It’s almost like she’d welcomed you in, and then whipped you up a hot chocolate, to boot. You’re simply made to feel ‘in the zone’, once it all begins.”

- Dr. Dana Corriel


 Podcast Show Notes

Episode 276: Margin with Dr. Marion McCrary
Burnout Errin Weisman D.O. Burnout Errin Weisman D.O.

Episode 276: Margin with Dr. Marion McCrary

We all experience burnout differently, something you’ll learn as you listen to these episodes, so it’s important for me to share my experience with you! Listen in as I dig deep into what I was thinking, feeling, and doing when I was in the pit of burnout.

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Episode 270: Personal Finance to Freedom with Shang
Burnout Errin Weisman D.O. Burnout Errin Weisman D.O.

Episode 270: Personal Finance to Freedom with Shang

We all experience burnout differently, something you’ll learn as you listen to these episodes, so it’s important for me to share my experience with you! Listen in as I dig deep into what I was thinking, feeling, and doing when I was in the pit of burnout.

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Episode 266: Solocast - Wins Over Fears
Burnout Errin Weisman D.O. Burnout Errin Weisman D.O.

Episode 266: Solocast - Wins Over Fears

We all experience burnout differently, something you’ll learn as you listen to these episodes, so it’s important for me to share my experience with you! Listen in as I dig deep into what I was thinking, feeling, and doing when I was in the pit of burnout.

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Episode 264: Are You An Empath Masterclass with Dr. Sheetal Ajmani
Burnout Errin Weisman D.O. Burnout Errin Weisman D.O.

Episode 264: Are You An Empath Masterclass with Dr. Sheetal Ajmani

Ever feel completely overwhelmed by the emotions you feel while you’re at work or around other people? Do difficult situations touch you on a deeper level than they appear to with others in your sphere? Then lady, you might be an empath. Listen in as Dr. Sheetal Ajmani and I chat about the realizations we had in our careers and how we’ve learned to better cope.

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Several hundred female physicians are coming together to hear these amazing conversations and I’m excited to share you, your organization or business to my audience.

To become a guest on the podcast, you must first sponsor an episode.

As a guest, you or your chosen representative will join me for a short segment in the podcast to

  • give a shoutout to a colleague/mentor/partner who has helped you

  • spread inspiration by telling about the amazingness of your business, practice, book or product

  • or share a silly story or joke to bring more fun to the episode

Whatever it is, thanks for partnering with me to make this podcast better!