Episode 264: Are You An Empath Masterclass with Dr. Sheetal Ajmani


Ever feel completely overwhelmed by the emotions you feel while you’re at work or around other people? Do difficult situations touch you on a deeper level than they appear to with others in your sphere? Then lady, you might be an empath. Listen in as Dr. Sheetal Ajmani and I chat about the realizations we had in our careers and how we’ve learned to better cope. 

What is an empath? Per Merriam-Webster, an empath is “one who experiences the emotions of others.” Sound familiar? So many female physicians are in fact empaths and they just don't realize it, thinking that they’re simply being “emotional.”

But it goes so much deeper than that…

Empaths take on the emotions of those around them, which means if you’re a doctor working in pediatric urgent care, you likely feel drained after each and every shift. Sheetal did and once she realized what was going on, she knew exactly how to address it.

Sheetal believes in the power of allopathic remedies combined with homeopathic regimens and has worked hard to merge her work in Ayurvedic healing with medicine. Listen as she shares an exercise we can all use to build up our own bubble shields and why your empathy is a superpower AND kryptonite.

An Empath feels all the feels, we really feel what other people are feeling.
— Dr. Sheetal Ajmani

In this episode:

[04:26] Welcome to the show, Sheetal!

[06:00] Sheetal shares what an Empath looks like in a high performing career.

[09:32] Being an Empath is truly a gift, and it can also lead to burnout.

[13:10] Sheetal speaks about how she has balanced her allopathic side with her holistic side.

[17:42] Learn more about the shielding bubble exercise Sheetal taught me.

[18:09] Sheetal shares how to do the bubble shield exercise.

[20:12] Sheetal leads us through the bubble meditation.

[24:01] Why your bubble is so important.

[25:34] Sheetal speaks about her Reclaim Your Radiance course.

[27:41] Join my new Slack group, the Errin Weisman’s Badass Collective.


Links and Resources

Physicians Financial Services

Connect with Sheetal:

Restore Your Radiance

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Episode 265: Physician Turned Life Coach with Dr. Errin Weisman


Episode 263: Entrepreneur with Shannon Claire