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Episode 359: A Meditation & Belief Reconstruction

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, burnout destroyed my belief system. I did an entire episode on this not too long ago, and it’s linked below, but recently something happened and I had to share it with you. 

So my husband is still strong in his belief in the Lord and he prays with the kids each night. We’ve had some really scary monsters under the bed recently and prayer seems to help the kids, so I’ve gone along with it.

Well the other night, I was putting the alpha female wolf pup to bed and she asked me if I prayed. Needless to say, I was a little shook. Stuff started coming up for me and I had to take a step back. 

I told her that I did pray but I did it a little differently and not to Jesus. She was a tad confused but asked if we could do a mommy prayer. Enter a meditative Buddhist prayer that’s brought me peace. 

At that moment, I realized we could all use prayer. No matter in what form or to whom, if you’re a spiritual person, prayer is important.

Recently my friend and mentor Dr. Robyn Alley-Hay joined the physicians coaching alliance and walked us through a guided meditation. She gave me permission to use it, so we put it to music and here you go!

In this episode:

[01:03] I’ve been on a belief reconstruction journey over the past few years.

[03:38] I share a story about praying with my children.

[05:08] Listen as I share a guided meditation with Robyn Alley-Hay.

[15:07] Are you burned out? Check out Burntout to Badass! A new cohort is starting soon!


Links and Resources

Burntout To Badass

Episode 249 Burnout Destroyed My Faith Belief System

Dr. Robyn Alley-Hay

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