Episode 343: Solocast - Doctor or Business Woman. Both


Weisman Child 3.0, also known as the alpha female wolf-pup, saw me leaving the other day and asked me which personality I was going to be that day, a doctor or a business woman. I loved how observant she was at that moment. 

You see, she has seen the shifts and changes I’ve been making, and I love that I’m able to model these different personalities. She gets to learn that you don’t have to be just one thing. 

It was funny though, because when I told her I was being a business woman that day, she had to clarify. She asked, “But you’re still going to be a doctor too, right?” I told her of course. That’s what I’d be doing the next day.

She knows that I love taking care of people, but she also knows that I’m passionate about my business. She’s seeing the life I live versus the life that always gets talked about.

Next time you talk to your friends and family, I challenge you to ask them to tell you how they see you. It’s such an enlightening thing to know and understand!

I think it goes to show that our children really do see the lessons that we are living rather than the ones we actively speak about.
— Dr. Errin Weisman

In this episode:

[00:28] I have a short sweet solocast today about a conversation I had with my youngest child.

[01:09] The Alpha female wolf pup asked me if I was a doctor today or a businesswoman?

[02:19] She knows I enjoy taking care of other people.

[02:44] Ask the people around you what they see about you.

[03:22] Thank you for listening!


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Episode 344: Badass Spotlight - Dr. Matthea Rentea


Episode 342: Catching Up with Dr. Tracey O’Connell