Episode 299: Summer Showcase Solo - 7 Things Burnout Is Costing You


Are you ready for my Summer Solocast Series? I am doing some quick solocasts to get you juiced up, infused with encouragement and inspiration. I want you to go about your summer loving your life and making things better. 

What is burnout costing you? Beyond your mental and physical health, it’s costing you so much more. I’m digging into 7 things burnout is costing you that you may not be aware of. 

First, burnout is costing you time. As one of our most precious resources, we should guard it zealously. However, when you’re burned out, you spend more time on tasks than necessary and the time not spent on tasks is spent buried under the weight of worry. 

Burnout is also costing you your energy. When you are deep in the pit of burnout, you feel completely depleted. There’s no quick fix to getting your energy back but not having it affects every aspect of your life. 

Listen in to hear all the things burnout is costing you. Does this hit home? If so, reach out. Let’s get you out of the pits of burnout.

You serve, you deserve.
— Dr. Errin Weisman

In this episode:

[02:34] Today we are discussing what your burnout is costing you!

[02:44] Burnout is costing you time.

[03:23] Burnout is costing you your energy.

[03:44] Money is another thing that burnout is costing you.

[04:55] Burnout is costing you your peace of mind.

[05:11] Relationships are another thing that burnout is costing you.

[05:30] When you are burned out, you are not operating at your optimal level of health.

[06:50] Burnout is actually costing you your protection.

[07:16] You serve, you deserve!

Links and Resources

Advice Media


Episode 300: Summer Showcase - Our Love Story with Dr. Victor Mangona


Episode 298: Summer Showcase - Lessons Learned: Jyoti Patel, MD