Doctor Me First

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Episode 288: Summer Showcase - Being Yourself In Medicine with Dr. Andrew Tisser

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Welcome to the first Doctor Me First Summer Showcase episode where we are spotlighting the other amazing doctor podcasts that are out there. Over the next eight weeks you will get to listen to an episode from a different doctor podcast and then a solo podcast from me.This first episode is from the Talk2MeDoc podcast with Dr. Andrew Tisser.

Join Dr. Andrew Tisser with Doctors Chase Anderson and Carl Streed Jr. as they talk about being yourself in medicine. They get into the systematic discrimination that people of color and different sexual identities get in the medical field. Chase and Carl also share what we can do to improve how we deal with these issues and support our words with actions.

In this episode, you’ll learn:


The privileges and friction brought about by intersectionality and identifying with the LGBTQ+ community.


Using strong emotions as a catalyst for change.


Asking consent before asking questions or bringing up topics that people might have problems with.


Being a lifelong learner. You have the power as a health professional to speak up and make a difference.


Changing behavior and conduct instead of forcing a change of beliefs.

About Chase Anderson:

Chase is an adult psychiatry resident physician at The Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital. He was born in Woodland Hills, California, and then moved to Seattle, Washington at age 12. He completed his undergraduate education in Chemistry at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his master’s in Biological Engineering at MIT as well. He is a graduate of The Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine and will soon be starting his Child Psychiatry fellowship at UCSF. In his free time, he enjoys going for long walks around Boston, listening to Kpop, reading fantasy books, playing soccer, writing, and planning dinners with friends.

About Carl Streed Jr.:

Carl Streed Jr MD MPH is a physician by training and an advocate in action focused on improving the status, health, and well-being of vulnerable communities. For over a decade, he has been dedicated to understanding and eliminating disparities among sexual and gender minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. He uses a decidedly health-focused perspective with emphasis placed on the intersection of identities. He has approached the issues facing LGBTQ individuals and communities through education reform, professional development, and systems redesign.

In addressing the issues facing LGBTQ communities, he has published a variety of articles and resources and been invited to give presentations and workshops.

With his experience advocating for institutional, state, and national level change, he has advised as a consultant the creation of new LGBTQ-focused symposia and resources for healthcare systems, non-profit organizations, and federal agencies.


You can find Chase Anderson on…


You can find Carl Streed Jr. on…



Connect with Andrew Tisser!





Early Career Physicians: Taking Back Medicine:

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