Episode 284: Engineers Get Burntout Too with Casey Bertelsman


I’m so excited to share this conversation with you! Casey Bertelsman is a member of my team and an amazing resource on systems and processes. She’s trained as an engineer, but engineers get burnout too, so listen in to learn her story and see if you’ve experienced anything like this.

Casey has always been systems focused. When it comes down to it, a good system leads to a fantastic client experience overall. In her role as an engineer, she’s pretty much 100% people focused. 

She works as an electrical engineer and helps to plan and execute electrical systems in new construction and buildings. Without her expertise, installing lighting, safety systems, smart systems, and more would be impossible.

However, she’s in a field that is very highly male dominated. Which as we all know, takes a toll on you as you try to expand and grow professionally.

Listen as she shares her story, why she’s so passionate about engineering, and what she’s doing to make women feel more included in her field. Casey has been an amazing addition to my team and I’m excited to share her story with you.

It’s hard to see what that career trajectory looks like when you don’t see people that look like you in higher roles.
— Casey Bertelsman

In this episode:

[02:11] Welcome to the show, Casey!

[02:19] Casey shares her background and what she brings to the world.

[04:49] Learn about her journey into the engineering field.

[07:16] Her current job has a lot of opportunities and she loves designing lighting for buildings.

[08:19] Casey discusses how she is trained to influence the workplace for women.

[11:15] Part of why she started her podcast is because there were no women at her workplace in a position above hers.

[13:18] What engineer burnout looks like.

[17:32] Thank you for being on the show!

[19:56] Here is your kick of encouragement!

Links and Resources

Physician Financial Services 

Find Casey Bertelsman

She Sparks Tech podcast



Episode 285: How to Start a Super Crazy Business and Go PRN Clinically - Part 6


Episode 283: How to Start a Super Crazy Business and Go PRN Clinically - Part 5 with Dr. Dena George