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Episode 279: How to Start a Super Crazy Business and Go PRN Clinically - Part 3

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Making connections is 100% the most important part of growing your business. I mean yes, you need to market your business, and you need to work on your offers, but none of that matters if you aren’t making true connections with other people.

As many of you know, I hate Facebook. One of the first things I did when I started my business was to start making waves on LinkedIn. My people are there and when someone is active on LinkedIn, they’re likely looking for real solutions and connections!

Now, one thing to note as you start connecting with people is that you are making connections. You aren’t becoming some scammy salesperson who pops into DMs just to pitch your services. That’s gross. Don’t do it!

Be prepared to make real connections and then foster those connections. If that’s not you, then be sure that you’re connecting with people that you’d love to have in your sphere in real life. 

Okay, so you’ve started making connections. Now it’s time for the Errin-Weisman School of Marketing. You ready for it? Your marketing process has two whole steps. 

First, share what you know. Second, create solutions to help the people who need it. 

It’s legitimately that simple. Be willing to share your knowledge freely and then when people want more of what you know, offer them a solution that works for them and you! BOOM! Marketing done!

Listen in for all the goodies and my strategies for taking your baby business into the toddler years!

In this episode:

[01:51] This series has been so fun. Are you ready for part 3?

[04:46] Today we are talking about the business development side.

[05:24] Making connections is so important when you are building your business.

[07:22] Remember that direct connections are the fastest way to bring people into your business.

[08:48] One of the first things I did when I started my business was to get involved with LinkedIn.

[11:01] Get in people’s DMs and start a conversation with them, ask them a question.

[13:48] #2 is marketing. Tell people what you know and offer to help them.

[16:30] What do you know, how can you deliver that to people, then show them how you can help them.

[17:01] Keep talking, your message will fall out of your mouth.

[20:46] If you want sustainability for the long term, repurpose your content.

[22:55] Next week I will bring you part 4 about going PRN Clinically.

[23:52] Thank you for listening!


Links and Resources

Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield Thomas

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