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Episode 278: 3 Brand - Spankin’ New Ways to Eliminate Sunday Dreads (and no, Yoga is not one!)

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You know that feeling you have when you’re getting to the end of your time off and it’s like a deep dark pit is about suck you up and never let you go? I call those the Sunday Dreads. They can and will go away and I’m giving you three ways to eliminate them today. 

I can’t take credit for all of these recommendations though. My good friend and mastermind member, Kelli Thompson, has a system that she’s been talking about and I love it. She calls them the N’s. Notice it, Name it, Normalize it, and Neutralize it. 

Because once you’ve noticed the feeling, if you work to name it and normalize it, then neutralizing it is much easier. 

This works if it’s just a one-time, stressed out, hard season of life type moment. But if you keep having them week after week, month after month, then it could be your body telling you that it’s time for a change. If that’s the case, you’ll want to start doing things to make changes in your life and see if that helps.

For instance, stop scrolling Facebook, turn off the TV, stop listening or consuming content that causes you stress and anxiety. It’s amazing what happens when you stop filling your head with things that make the Dreads worse. 

Last, try some DO magic. Grab a book or a rolled up towel or have a partner massage the occiput on your skull. That area is specifically linked to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and by manipulating the area, you activate your calm!

Don’t believe in DO magic? That’s fine (though a scalp massage is always warranted!). Get your butt outside. There is a ton of research that shows walking barefoot in the grass with the sun shining on your face is an amazing way to ground your body and settle your emotions. 

Once you’ve tried some of these, come back and let me know what worked, what didn’t, and how you’re feeling now!

In this episode:

[01:32] I’m talking about the Sunday dreads!

[03:40] Tip #1 is the N’s - Notice it, Name it, Normalize it and Neutralize it.

[05:48] Tip #2 Use them as a signal for change.

[07:14] Tip #3 is some DO magic knowledge, osteopathic manipulation.

[09:07] I’m sharing how to use my DO magic with details but no slides.

[11:13] I wanted to give you some actional things to do with all the mindset work.

[12:48] If you want more great tips, come over and sit with me in my Slack group.


Links and Resources

Episode 258: Clarity with Kelli Thompson

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