Episode 275: How To Start A Super Crazy Business and Go PRN Clinically - Part 1


Here’s the thing, if you have it in your heart to do something other than, or in addition to medicine, then that’s what you need to do. I started my business while in the middle of burnout, but I knew I needed more. Listen as I share how I started my business and went PRN clinically.

I was in the middle of burnout when I felt the calling to something more. I knew that I was meant to help others and I loved being a doctor, but I didn’t love what the institution of medicine had done to my life.

So I found another way to help others. 

You want to know what I learned after finally taking my crazy idea and birthing a baby business? I was the only one holding me back from starting my crazy business. Just me. This is my first piece of advice for you. Stop holding yourself back and instead let yourself fully realize your dream

Next you need to relearn how to trust yourself and your decisions. In medicine we are taught to second and third-guess ourselves. That doesn’t work in business. Stop trying to round table your ideas and just trust your gut.

I’m dropping a lot of truth bombs in this episode, but if you’re ready for a change in your life and your work, then this is the episode for you!

Until you get out of your own way, you will be sitting in the buts for a long time.
— Dr. Errin Weisman

In this episode:

[00:28] Hey there and welcome to another episode of Doctor Me First!

[04:36] I am going to share how I went PRN clinically and give you some tangible takeaways and the steps to get there.

[05:14] #1 the only thing stopping you from doing this crazy business idea that you have is YOU.

[08:48] The next thing you need to do is relearn how to trust yourself.

[13:31] #3 is due your own experimental data collection.

[16:01] Number four is viewing your business as a baby or as I call it a baby business.

[17:18] Your preconception counseling for your baby business is the fact finding phase.

[18:33] The next phase in your baby business is the conception phase.

[19:33] The gestation phase is doing small steps forward and getting your business launched.

[22:39] The birth of your baby business or the launch is the moment you put it out in the world.

[25:02] Listen as I talk about the developmental milestones for your business.

[26:31] Here are the four questions that I get all the time.

[32:44] I am going to keep this series going so let me know what you think.

Links and Resources



Episode 276: Margin with Dr. Marion McCrary


Episode 274: Physicians Unity with Dr. Marlene Wust-Smith